Actualización de las noticias
Encuentre información importante sobre la Actualización del Plan Comunitario de Clairemont, incluidos anuncios de proyectos, noticias y eventos.

Noticias del proyecto
June 03, 2019
Upcoming Planning Commission Workshop #2
Planning staff will be holding a workshop during the Thursday, June 27th meeting of the Planning Commission to discuss draft land use scenarios for the Clairemont CPU. The meeting will take place at City Council Chambers in Downtown San Diego at 9:00 a.m. Public comment is welcome. This will be an informational item. Staff will be seeking input and direction from the Planning Commission - no action will be taken.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
City Council Chambers
202 C Street
12th Floor
Check back here for the the Planning Commission Staff report and agenda or visit the Planning Commission website HERE.
New Report Published
July 2016
The Mobility Existing Conditions Report has been published and is available on the documents page. You can also review materials from the Ad Hoc Subcommittee, and other public participation activities as they become available. Background materials, including a project fact sheet and the current community plan are also provided as resources.
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Al completar este formulario, acepta recibir comunicaciones por correo electrónico de la ciudad de San Diego. Su correo electrónico se utilizará únicamente para las comunicaciones relacionadas con la Actualización del Plan Comunitario de Clairemont y nunca se venderá ni compartirá.
Anuncios anteriores
Planning Commission Workshop
Planning staff will be holding a workshop during the Thursday, June 8th meeting of the Planning Commission to discuss the progress of the Clairemont Community Plan Update. The meeting will take place at City Council Chambers in Downtown San Diego at 9:00 a.m. Public comment is welcome. This will be an informational item. Staff will be seeking input and direction from the Planning Commission - no action will be taken.
Thursday, June 9, 2017
City Council Chambers
202 C Street
12th Floor
The Planning Commission Staff report and agenda can be found at the following links:
Staff Report: https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/pc-17-048_clairemont_cpu_workshop.pdf
Agenda: https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/june_8_2017.pdf
Existing Conditions & Opportunities Workshop
April 10, 2017
You are invited to participate in the Existing Conditions & Opportunities Workshop that will be taking place on Thursday, April 20th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Cadman Elementary School Auditorium, 4370 Kamloop Avenue.
Learn about the community plan update
Speak to City staff about important issues and opportunities in Clairemont
Engage in interactive exercises to share your input for the future of Clairemont related to Land Use & Zoning, Mobility, and Parks
The workshop will be in an open house format, so participants are free to attend anytime during the event hours.
Staff Contact:
Marlon I. Pangilinan, Senior Planner
(619) 235-5293
Thank you for providing input on the Guiding Principles!
March 2, 2017
Thank you to everyone that participated in Online Activity #1! We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback on the Guiding Principles and provide input on what you think makes the identity of Clairemont. We will be working to summarize input and share the results with the CPU Ad Hoc Subcommittee.
Online Activity #1 was the first opportunity for the public to provide input that will help shape the Clairemont Community Plan Update. Many additional opportunities will be made available to everyone to participate.
Project Initiation
October 2016
The City recently started the process of updating the Clairemont Community Plan. The first steps include introducing the plan update effort to the community, providing an overview, and opportunities for the public to be involved. The City is also conducting initial background research that will inform the conversations with the community and serve as a foundation for the Community Plan Update.
To start the process, the City will be presenting an overview of the Community Plan Update process to stakeholders and community organizations during the months of October and November. Meetings will be held with many groups and community members that are active in the Clairemont community. The Community Dialogue Sessions are only one way to be involved.
You can view a copy of the presentation slides by visiting the documents page.
Past Meetings:
Clairemont Town Council - 6:30p.m., Jan. 5: Cadman Elementary School, 4370 Kamloop Avenue
Morena Business Association – 2:00p.m., Nov. 15th, Tecolote Nature Center, 5180 Tecolote Road, San Diego, CA 92110
Tecolote Recreation Council – 6:30p.m., Nov. 16th, 4675 Tecolote Road, , San Diego, CA 92110
North Clairemont Recreation Council - 7:00p.m., Nov. 16th, 4421 Bannock Ave., San Diego, CA 92117